Kent & The Candidates


Best Of
Best Of
Album • 2017

Top Songs

1. I Gotta Feelin'
1. I Gotta Feelin'
Kent & The Candidates

2. I Gotta Feeling
2. I Gotta Feeling
Kent & The Candidates

3. Go High
3. Go High
Kent & The Candidates

4. Mrs. Stone Wants To Swing
4. Mrs. Stone Wants To Swing
Kent & The Candidates

5. Trouble
5. Trouble
Kent & The Candidates

6. Trouble
6. Trouble
Kent & The Candidates

7. The Neck
7. The Neck
Kent & The Candidates

8. Slick Ike
8. Slick Ike
Kent & The Candidates

9. There Oughta Be A Law
9. There Oughta Be A Law
Kent & The Candidates

10. Nobody Can (Demo)
10. Nobody Can (Demo)
Kent & The Candidates

11. I Can't Get Enough
11. I Can't Get Enough
Kent & The Candidates

12. The Neck
12. The Neck
Kent & The Candidates

Top Albums

1. Best Of
1. Best Of
Album • 2017