Long Distances


Delicate Surrender
Delicate Surrender
Single • 2023
Single • 2022

Top Songs

2. Delicate Surrender
2. Delicate Surrender
Long Distances, Aarifah Rebello, Apurv Agrawal, Zubin Pastakia, George Joseph & Jai Row Kavi

3. Skin to Sea
3. Skin to Sea
Long Distances, Aarifah Rebello, Apurv Agrawal, Zubin Pastakia & Jai Row Kavi

4. Empire
4. Empire
Long Distances, Aarifah Rebello, Apurv Agrawal, Zubin Pastakia, Jai Row Kavi & Maalavika Manoj

5. Bridge
5. Bridge
Long Distances, Aarifah Rebello, Apurv Agrawal & Zubin Pastakia

6. Empire
6. Empire
Long Distances