Cacophony of Chaos

Top Songs

1. Wayfaring Stranger
1. Wayfaring Stranger
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins

2. Songs of the Black Hole and the Bass
2. Songs of the Black Hole and the Bass
Zarqnon the Embarrassed, Industrial Industrial, Cacophony of Chaos, Industrial Zombie, Industrial Platypus and Molecularly Unstable Vestibules, Industrial Industrial, Cacophony of Chaos, Industrial Zombie, Industrial Platypus & Molecularly Unstable Vestibules

3. Celtic Alleluia
3. Celtic Alleluia
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins

4. A Wheel of Squirrels (Shchedryk Decomposed)
4. A Wheel of Squirrels (Shchedryk Decomposed)
Zarqnon the Embarrassed, Industrial Christmas, Broken Christmas, Cacophony of Chaos, Trans-Siberian Orchestra Cover band & Frank Zappa's Prodigal Children

5. Thy Kingdom Come on Bended Knee
5. Thy Kingdom Come on Bended Knee
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins

6. O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Slane)
6. O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Slane)
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins

7. I Will Arise
7. I Will Arise
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins

8. Red Is The Rose
8. Red Is The Rose
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & dziwaczny

9. Danny Boy
9. Danny Boy
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins

10. King of the Fairies
10. King of the Fairies
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Zarqnon the Embarrased & Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins

11. Mist on the Mountain
11. Mist on the Mountain
Cacophony of Chaos, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane, Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, Skaldskaparmal & Glitchy Glitch and the Glitchmeisters of B612

12. Songs of the Black Hole and the Nether (Alpha Edit)
12. Songs of the Black Hole and the Nether (Alpha Edit)
Industrial Darkwave, Cacophony of Chaos, Intermission Paeiliui Dainuojami Kupletai, Industrial Zombie, Industrial Platypus & Molecularly Unstable Vestibules