Y & Sabir


Killer Marvel
Killer Marvel
Album • 2016

Top Songs

1. Cambogia
1. Cambogia
Y & Sabir

2. Love
2. Love
Y & Sabir [feat. Rawz]

3. Soufflé
3. Soufflé
Y & Sabir [feat. Lynx K]

4. Sipario
4. Sipario
Y & Sabir

5. Other Things
5. Other Things
Y & Sabir [feat. Flooded Hallways]

7. Out in the Streets
7. Out in the Streets
Y & Sabir [feat. Arsenal Arsenio]

12. Which Way
12. Which Way
Y & Sabir [feat. Tang The Pilgrim]

Top Albums

1. Killer Marvel
1. Killer Marvel
Album • 2016