The Total Bettys


This Is Paradise
This Is Paradise
Album • 2018
Dark and Stormy
Dark and Stormy
Single • 2018
Am I Glowing
Am I Glowing
Single • 2018
Album • 2017

Top Songs

1. Play Along
1. Play Along
The Total Bettys

2. Hear Me Out
2. Hear Me Out
The Total Bettys

3. You'll Be Sorry
3. You'll Be Sorry
The Total Bettys

4. Back Against the Wall
4. Back Against the Wall
The Total Bettys

5. Light as a Feather
5. Light as a Feather
The Total Bettys

6. Stay Here All Night
6. Stay Here All Night
The Total Bettys

7. Quit My Job
7. Quit My Job
The Total Bettys

8. I'll Fix It
8. I'll Fix It
The Total Bettys

9. Is it Wrong
9. Is it Wrong
The Total Bettys

10. Dark and Stormy
10. Dark and Stormy
The Total Bettys

11. The Worst
11. The Worst
The Total Bettys

12. Know Me
12. Know Me
The Total Bettys

Top Albums

1. Peach
1. Peach
Album • 2017
2. This Is Paradise
2. This Is Paradise
Album • 2018