Neil MacDonald Thomson


Common Ground
Common Ground
Album • 2001

Top Songs

1. The Clyde
1. The Clyde
Neil MacDonald Thomson

2. Common Ground
2. Common Ground
Neil MacDonald Thomson

3. Going Down with a Song
3. Going Down with a Song
Neil MacDonald Thomson

4. The Highland Soldier
4. The Highland Soldier
Neil MacDonald Thomson

5. The Old Armchair
5. The Old Armchair
Neil MacDonald Thomson

6. I Will Make You Brooches
6. I Will Make You Brooches
Neil MacDonald Thomson

7. Back When We Were Kings
7. Back When We Were Kings
Neil MacDonald Thomson

8. The Nature of Burns
8. The Nature of Burns
Neil MacDonald Thomson

9. Death Valley
9. Death Valley
Neil MacDonald Thomson

10. The Bonnie Wee Well
10. The Bonnie Wee Well
Neil MacDonald Thomson

Top Albums

1. Common Ground
1. Common Ground
Album • 2001