The Bryan Durieux Project


Top Songs

1. Dear Guardian
1. Dear Guardian
The Bryan Durieux Project

2. Never Ask Why
2. Never Ask Why
The Bryan Durieux Project

3. Gotta Change
3. Gotta Change
The Bryan Durieux Project

4. Meet Me At the Crossroads
4. Meet Me At the Crossroads
The Bryan Durieux Project

5. Back Up Plan
5. Back Up Plan
The Bryan Durieux Project

6. Crazy
6. Crazy
The Bryan Durieux Project

7. The Disappearing Act
7. The Disappearing Act
The Bryan Durieux Project

8. Dying to Know
8. Dying to Know
The Bryan Durieux Project

9. Memories
9. Memories
The Bryan Durieux Project

10. Intro
10. Intro
The Bryan Durieux Project

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