Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne


Chants of Light
Chants of Light
Album • 2012
The Encounter
The Encounter
Album • 2008
Album • 2005
Album • 2004
Album • 2003
Russian Monastic Chant
Russian Monastic Chant
Album • 2000

Top Songs

1. The Litiya, Tone 5
1. The Litiya, Tone 5
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

2. Megalynarion
2. Megalynarion
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

3. Conclusion of the Service
3. Conclusion of the Service
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

4. 1st Antiphon
4. 1st Antiphon
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

5. Sticheron of the Veneration, Tone 2
5. Sticheron of the Veneration, Tone 2
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

6. Hymns of Light: Nativity of the Mother of God
6. Hymns of Light: Nativity of the Mother of God
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

7. The Beatitudes At the Office of the Typika
7. The Beatitudes At the Office of the Typika
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

9. Evlogitaria
9. Evlogitaria
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

10. First Cathisma
10. First Cathisma
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

11. Lord's Prayer
11. Lord's Prayer
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

12. Second Communion Hymn
12. Second Communion Hymn
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne

Top Albums

2. Chants of Light
2. Chants of Light
Album • 2012
3. Dormition
3. Dormition
Album • 1985
4. Transfiguration
4. Transfiguration
Album • 1984
6. Funeral
6. Funeral
Album • 2003
7. The Encounter
7. The Encounter
Album • 2008
8. Divine Liturgy
8. Divine Liturgy
Album • 1987
9. Easter
9. Easter
Album • 1995
11. The Last Supper
11. The Last Supper
Album • 1989
12. Great Lent
12. Great Lent
Album • 1996