The Generous Margins

Top Songs

1. Market
1. Market
The Generous Margins

2. The Sacred Duet
2. The Sacred Duet
The Generous Margins

3. Shop
3. Shop
The Generous Margins

4. White Land 1
4. White Land 1
The Generous Margins

5. Credits
5. Credits
The Generous Margins

6. Face Shrine
6. Face Shrine
The Generous Margins

7. Opening
7. Opening
The Generous Margins

8. Tal Tal Heights
8. Tal Tal Heights
The Generous Margins

9. Mabe Village
9. Mabe Village
The Generous Margins

10. Game Over
10. Game Over
The Generous Margins

11. Trendy Game
11. Trendy Game
The Generous Margins

12. Fishing Under the Bridge
12. Fishing Under the Bridge
The Generous Margins