Scripts in the Sky


Top Songs

1. Wires (Demo)
1. Wires (Demo)
Scripts in the Sky

2. Swears (Demo)
2. Swears (Demo)
Scripts in the Sky

3. Same Endings
3. Same Endings
Scripts in the Sky

4. This Girl
4. This Girl
Scripts in the Sky

5. Dear Sister
5. Dear Sister
Scripts in the Sky

6. Amongst the Crowd
6. Amongst the Crowd
Scripts in the Sky

7. To Lead Those Who Lead
7. To Lead Those Who Lead
Scripts in the Sky

8. Walk In
8. Walk In
Scripts in the Sky

10. Cry out Loud
10. Cry out Loud
Scripts in the Sky

11. Scene Played Out
11. Scene Played Out
Scripts in the Sky

12. Shaken, Not Stirred
12. Shaken, Not Stirred
Scripts in the Sky

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