Phillip Nangle


Bow Speech
Bow Speech
Album • 2018

Top Songs

1. Elastic Man Dance
1. Elastic Man Dance
Phillip Nangle

2. Consensus
2. Consensus
Phillip Nangle

3. On the Road Again
3. On the Road Again
Phillip Nangle

5. Umoya
5. Umoya
Phillip Nangle

6. Recall
6. Recall
Phillip Nangle

8. Call to Farms
8. Call to Farms
Phillip Nangle

9. The Rush
9. The Rush
Phillip Nangle

10. So Some Say
10. So Some Say
Phillip Nangle

12. A Great Debate
12. A Great Debate
Phillip Nangle

Top Albums

1. Bow Speech
1. Bow Speech
Album • 2018