The Montreal Children's Workshop

Top Songs

1. Baa Baa Black Sheep
1. Baa Baa Black Sheep
The Montreal Children's Workshop

2. Do Your Ears Hang Low
2. Do Your Ears Hang Low
The Montreal Children's Workshop

3. I Like To Eat Apples, Bananas
3. I Like To Eat Apples, Bananas
The Montreal Children's Workshop

4. The Mulberry Bush
4. The Mulberry Bush
The Montreal Children's Workshop

5. Trot, Trot, To Boston
5. Trot, Trot, To Boston
The Montreal Children's Workshop

6. Lavenders Blue
6. Lavenders Blue
The Montreal Children's Workshop

7. Nut Tree
7. Nut Tree
The Montreal Children's Workshop

8. If You're Happy and You Know It
8. If You're Happy and You Know It
The Montreal Children's Workshop

9. Clean Up
9. Clean Up
The Montreal Children's Workshop

10. Clap Along With Me
10. Clap Along With Me
The Montreal Children's Workshop

11. Nuts In May
11. Nuts In May
The Montreal Children's Workshop

12. To Market, To Market
12. To Market, To Market
The Montreal Children's Workshop