The Atomic Fireballs


Torch This Place
Torch This Place
Album • 1999

Top Songs

1. Man with the Hex
1. Man with the Hex
The Atomic Fireballs

2. Drink Drank Drunk
2. Drink Drank Drunk
The Atomic Fireballs

3. Swing Sweet Pussycat
3. Swing Sweet Pussycat
The Atomic Fireballs

4. Starve a Fever
4. Starve a Fever
The Atomic Fireballs

5. Hit by a Brick
5. Hit by a Brick
The Atomic Fireballs

6. Pango Pango
6. Pango Pango
The Atomic Fireballs

7. Caviar & Chitlins
7. Caviar & Chitlins
The Atomic Fireballs

8. Mata Hari
8. Mata Hari
The Atomic Fireballs

9. Spanish Fly
9. Spanish Fly
The Atomic Fireballs

10. Lover Lies
10. Lover Lies
The Atomic Fireballs

11. Flowers in the Sand
11. Flowers in the Sand
The Atomic Fireballs

12. Calypso King
12. Calypso King
The Atomic Fireballs

Top Albums

1. Torch This Place
1. Torch This Place
Album • 1999