Doug and Karen Scoville


Top Songs

1. Chilly Pepper (feat. Chris Scoville)
1. Chilly Pepper (feat. Chris Scoville)
Doug and Karen Scoville [feat. Chris Scoville]

2. Mr. Pepperman (feat. Rip Lyricz da Phoenix Child)
2. Mr. Pepperman (feat. Rip Lyricz da Phoenix Child)
Doug and Karen Scoville [feat. Rip Lyricz da Phoenix Child]

3. The Ballad of Habenero Pete
3. The Ballad of Habenero Pete
Doug and Karen Scoville

4. Pepper Palace
4. Pepper Palace
Doug and Karen Scoville

5. Ain't No Fire On the Mountain
5. Ain't No Fire On the Mountain
Doug and Karen Scoville

6. Hot Sauce
6. Hot Sauce
Doug and Karen Scoville

7. Pepper Patch Blues (feat. Chris Scoville)
7. Pepper Patch Blues (feat. Chris Scoville)
Doug and Karen Scoville [feat. Chris Scoville]

8. Hey Wilbur
8. Hey Wilbur
Doug and Karen Scoville

Top Albums