The Five Smith Brothers

Top Songs

1. Hop Scotch Polka (Scotch Hot)
1. Hop Scotch Polka (Scotch Hot)
The Five Smith Brothers

2. Play That Barbershop Chord
2. Play That Barbershop Chord
The Five Smith Brothers

3. A Guid New Year
3. A Guid New Year
The Five Smith Brothers

4. On Ilkla' Moor Baht 'At
4. On Ilkla' Moor Baht 'At
The Five Smith Brothers

5. ABC Boogie
5. ABC Boogie
The Five Smith Brothers & The Dennis Wilson Quartet

6. Cushie Butterfield
6. Cushie Butterfield
The Five Smith Brothers

7. Don't Worry
7. Don't Worry
The Five Smith Brothers

8. Blaydon Races
8. Blaydon Races
The Five Smith Brothers

9. I'm in Favour of Friendship
9. I'm in Favour of Friendship
The Five Smith Brothers

10. You Took My Heart
10. You Took My Heart
The Five Smith Brothers

11. Put Your Shoes on, Lucy
11. Put Your Shoes on, Lucy
The Five Smith Brothers