The Sheppards


Golden Classics
Golden Classics
Album • 1994

Top Songs

1. Stubborn Heart
1. Stubborn Heart
The Sheppards

2. Tragic
2. Tragic
The Sheppards

4. Forgotten
4. Forgotten
The Sheppards

5. Come To Me
5. Come To Me
The Sheppards

6. Island of Love
6. Island of Love
The Sheppards

7. Tragic
7. Tragic
The Sheppards

8. Sherry
8. Sherry
The Sheppards

10. Mozelle
10. Mozelle
The Sheppards

12. Loving You
12. Loving You
The Sheppards

Top Albums

1. Golden Classics
1. Golden Classics
Album • 1994