Life of the Party


What U Drink?
What U Drink?
Single • 2021
By the Numbers
By the Numbers
Album • 2014
Laugh Tracks
Laugh Tracks
Album • 2014
Summer Fun Classics
Summer Fun Classics
Album • 2014
Summertime Fun
Summertime Fun
Album • 2014
Beauty with a Beat
Beauty with a Beat
Album • 2014
The Whole Package
The Whole Package
Album • 2014

Top Songs

1. We Will Rock You
1. We Will Rock You
Life of the Party

2. What U Drink?
2. What U Drink?
Life of the Party

3. Memories (Piano Version)
3. Memories (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

4. Something Big (Piano Version)
4. Something Big (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

5. Imagination (Piano Version)
5. Imagination (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

6. Stitches (Piano Version)
6. Stitches (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

7. Never Be Alone (Piano Version)
7. Never Be Alone (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

8. Theres Nothing Holdin' Me Back (Piano Version)
8. Theres Nothing Holdin' Me Back (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

9. Life of the Party (Piano Version)
9. Life of the Party (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

10. In My Blood (Piano Version)
10. In My Blood (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

11. Mercy (Piano Version)
11. Mercy (Piano Version)
Life of the Party, Instrumental Pop Songs & Piano Tribute Man

12. Take a Message
12. Take a Message
Life of the Party