Jenny Oaks Baker


Top Songs

2. Born This Day: for Unto Us a Child Is Born
2. Born This Day: for Unto Us a Child Is Born
Jenny Oaks Baker & Sarah Noelle Baker

3. There Is a Green Hill Far Away (Album)
3. There Is a Green Hill Far Away (Album)
Shane Mickelsen, Jenny Oaks Baker & The Stone Angel Orchestra

5. Baby Mine
5. Baby Mine
Jenny Oaks Baker

6. God Help the Outcasts
6. God Help the Outcasts
Jenny Oaks Baker

8. A Whole New World
8. A Whole New World
Jenny Oaks Baker

9. Once Upon a Dream
9. Once Upon a Dream
Jenny Oaks Baker

11. Colors of the Wind
11. Colors of the Wind
Jenny Oaks Baker

12. Beauty and the Beast
12. Beauty and the Beast
Jenny Oaks Baker

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