Doug R. Bossi

Top Songs

1. Facing the Carnage
1. Facing the Carnage
Doug R. Bossi & Justin Henry Knowell

2. Bigger Than Life
2. Bigger Than Life
Doug R. Bossi & Tony Phillips

3. Dauntless Actions
3. Dauntless Actions
Doug R. Bossi & Sarah Elizabeth Schachner

4. Face Everything and Rise
4. Face Everything and Rise
Doug R. Bossi & Justin Henry Knowell

6. The Courage to Confront
6. The Courage to Confront
Doug R. Bossi & Tony Phillips

7. The Bold Advance
7. The Bold Advance
Doug R. Bossi & Evan Marshall Wise

8. Unflinching Stalwart
8. Unflinching Stalwart
Doug R. Bossi & Evan Marshall Wise

9. Audacious Journey
9. Audacious Journey
Doug R. Bossi & Sarah Elizabeth Schachner

10. The Struggle Is Real
10. The Struggle Is Real
Doug R. Bossi & Evan Marshall Wise

11. Enterprising Heroism
11. Enterprising Heroism
Doug R. Bossi & Evan Marshall Wise

12. Jumping Into the Melee
12. Jumping Into the Melee
Doug R. Bossi & Tony Phillips