Jason Gotay

Top Songs

1. The Bro Duet
1. The Bro Duet
George Salazar & Jason Gotay

2. Take a Deep Breath
2. Take a Deep Breath
Caitlin Kinnunen, Jason Gotay, Delphi Borich, Jason SweetTooth Williams, Autumn Hurlbert & Allie Trimm

3. Brooklyn Crush
3. Brooklyn Crush
Jason Gotay

4. First Fig / The Penitent
4. First Fig / The Penitent
Jason Gotay, Donald Webber, Jr. & Katie Thompson

5. Arielle's Areolas
5. Arielle's Areolas
Katherine Cozumel, Jason Gotay & Max Crumm

6. The Procession (Instrumental with Dialogue)
6. The Procession (Instrumental with Dialogue)
Mikaela Bennet, Hannah Corneau, Jason Gotay, Danny Harris Kornfeld & Katie Thompson

7. Renascence
7. Renascence
Mikaela Bennet, Hannah Corneau, Jason Gotay, Danny Harris Kornfeld & Katie Thompson

8. Falling (Reprise) / Take Me as I Am [Reprise]
8. Falling (Reprise) / Take Me as I Am [Reprise]
Max Crumm, Katherine Cozumel, Lisa Birnbaum, Dawn Cantwell, Jason Gotay, Douglas Widick & George Salazar

9. Spaceship
9. Spaceship
Jason Gotay

10. Be My Bro
10. Be My Bro
Jason Gotay & Max Crumm

11. Isn't It Too Much
11. Isn't It Too Much
Caitlin Kinnunen, Jason Gotay, Delphi Borich, Jason SweetTooth Williams, Autumn Hurlbert & Allie Trimm

12. Please You
12. Please You
Jason Gotay