Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers


Auld Lang Syne
Auld Lang Syne
Single • 2021
Split at the Seams
Split at the Seams
Album • 2021
It's Christmastime
It's Christmastime
Single • 2016
Seems So Civilized
Seems So Civilized
Album • 2006

Top Songs

1. Auld Lang Syne
1. Auld Lang Syne
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

2. Chasing Castles
2. Chasing Castles
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

3. Polaroid Pictures
3. Polaroid Pictures
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

4. Dance Dance Dance
4. Dance Dance Dance
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

5. Sugar
5. Sugar
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

6. Trapeze
6. Trapeze
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

7. Full Moon
7. Full Moon
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

8. Home
8. Home
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

9. Heroes and Heartbreakers
9. Heroes and Heartbreakers
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

10. Just Like Heaven
10. Just Like Heaven
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

11. Awhile
11. Awhile
Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

12. It's Christmastime
12. It's Christmastime
Carrie Clark & Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers

Top Albums