Aaron and the Aliens


Many Me
Many Me
Album • 2019
Album • 2019

Top Songs

1. Friday Dance
1. Friday Dance
Aaron and the Aliens

3. La Rosignol
3. La Rosignol
Aaron and the Aliens

4. Happy
4. Happy
Aaron and the Aliens

5. Gather Round
5. Gather Round
Aaron and the Aliens

6. A Walk in the Desert
6. A Walk in the Desert
Aaron and the Aliens

7. Planet E
7. Planet E
Aaron and the Aliens

8. Piano Dream
8. Piano Dream
Aaron and the Aliens

9. Harmonic Visions
9. Harmonic Visions
Aaron and the Aliens

10. Candlelight
10. Candlelight
Aaron and the Aliens

11. Horror
11. Horror
Aaron and the Aliens

12. Cave Thoughts
12. Cave Thoughts
Aaron and the Aliens

Top Albums

1. Many Me
1. Many Me
Album • 2019
2. Shuffle
2. Shuffle
Album • 2019