Celtic Harp Soundscapes

Top Songs

1. Together
1. Together
Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs, Celtic Harp Soundscapes & Breathe

2. Heather Hills
2. Heather Hills
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

3. Celtic Lullaby
3. Celtic Lullaby
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

4. Faerie Dance
4. Faerie Dance
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

5. Wild Roses
5. Wild Roses
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

6. Emerald Twilight
6. Emerald Twilight
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

7. Enchanted Glen
7. Enchanted Glen
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

8. O Come All Ye Faithful
8. O Come All Ye Faithful
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

9. Deck The Halls
9. Deck The Halls
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

10. Angels We Have Heard on High
10. Angels We Have Heard on High
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

11. Good King Wenceslas
11. Good King Wenceslas
Celtic Harp Soundscapes

12. Auld Lang Syne
12. Auld Lang Syne
Celtic Harp Soundscapes