Matthew Margeson

Top Songs

1. No Time for Emotion
1. No Time for Emotion
Henry Jackman & Matthew Margeson

3. Eggsy Is Back
3. Eggsy Is Back
Henry Jackman & Matthew Margeson

4. Matti At Garmisch
4. Matti At Garmisch
Matthew Margeson

5. Animal Control
5. Animal Control
Matthew Margeson

6. Memories of Harry
6. Memories of Harry
Henry Jackman & Matthew Margeson

7. Handy Candy
7. Handy Candy
Mike Higham & Matthew Margeson

8. Statesman
8. Statesman
Henry Jackman & Matthew Margeson

9. Infection
9. Infection
Matthew Margeson

10. A Man Who's Honorable
10. A Man Who's Honorable
Henry Jackman & Matthew Margeson

11. Kingsman Hoedown
11. Kingsman Hoedown
Henry Jackman & Matthew Margeson

12. Arrival at the Island
12. Arrival at the Island
Mike Higham & Matthew Margeson

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