Phil Woods & John Coates


Giants at Work Set 1
Giants at Work Set 1
Album • 2010

Top Songs

1. High on You
1. High on You
Phil Woods & John Coates

2. Blues Skies
2. Blues Skies
Phil Woods & John Coates

3. Phil Speaks
3. Phil Speaks
Phil Woods & John Coates

4. Where or When
4. Where or When
Phil Woods & John Coates

5. I Hadn't Anyone Til You
5. I Hadn't Anyone Til You
Phil Woods & John Coates

6. Al Cohn Stories
6. Al Cohn Stories
Phil Woods & John Coates

7. The Gypsy
7. The Gypsy
Phil Woods & John Coates

8. My Funny Valentine
8. My Funny Valentine
Phil Woods & John Coates

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