Jonatan Crafoord

Top Songs

1. Leanbh
1. Leanbh
Jonatan Crafoord

2. Seven Skies (feat. Amelie Eiding)
2. Seven Skies (feat. Amelie Eiding)
Jonatan Crafoord [feat. Amelie Eiding]

3. The Mohole
3. The Mohole
Jonatan Crafoord

4. Hero Of The Past
4. Hero Of The Past
Jonatan Crafoord

5. Ruins of Narkundin
5. Ruins of Narkundin
Jonatan Crafoord

6. Old Wistmore
6. Old Wistmore
Jonatan Crafoord

7. The Forgotten Halls
7. The Forgotten Halls
Jonatan Crafoord

8. Dawnspire Theme
8. Dawnspire Theme
Jonatan Crafoord