Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)


Diamond or Stone
Diamond or Stone
Album • 2004
Pouring light
Pouring light
Album • 2003

Top Songs

1. You Don't Know How Beautiful You Are
1. You Don't Know How Beautiful You Are
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

2. lower the flame
2. lower the flame
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

3. mighty hand of love
3. mighty hand of love
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

4. ascends the sky
4. ascends the sky
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

5. diamond or stone
5. diamond or stone
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

6. as it is
6. as it is
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

7. Little by Little
7. Little by Little
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

8. light of day
8. light of day
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

9. With Passion
9. With Passion
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

10. Pouring Light
10. Pouring Light
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

11. great lions
11. great lions
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

12. circling
12. circling
Neale Lundgren (With Cypress)

Top Albums

1. Pouring light
1. Pouring light
Album • 2003
2. Diamond or Stone
2. Diamond or Stone
Album • 2004