Jeannie Lurie

Top Songs

2. A Billion Sorrys (Instrumental)
2. A Billion Sorrys (Instrumental)
Jeannie Lurie, Gabriel Mann & Disney

3. Role of a Lifetime (Instrumental)
3. Role of a Lifetime (Instrumental)
Jeannie Lurie, Gabriel Mann & Disney

4. Truth, Justice and Songs in Our Key (Instrumental)
4. Truth, Justice and Songs in Our Key (Instrumental)
Jeannie Lurie, Gabriel Mann & Disney

5. Can't Stop Singing
5. Can't Stop Singing
Aris Archontis, Chen Neeman & Jeannie Lurie

6. Falling for Ya
6. Falling for Ya
Aris Archontis, Chen Neeman & Jeannie Lurie