Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon


Top Songs

1. I Wish It Would Rain
1. I Wish It Would Rain
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

2. Baby Make Your Own Sweet Music
2. Baby Make Your Own Sweet Music
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

3. Are You Ready for This
3. Are You Ready for This
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

4. Girl from Harlem
4. Girl from Harlem
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

5. Breakin' Down the Walls of Heartache
5. Breakin' Down the Walls of Heartache
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

6. You
6. You
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

7. I Ain't Lyin'
7. I Ain't Lyin'
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

8. People Got to Be Free
8. People Got to Be Free
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

9. When Love Has Gone Away
9. When Love Has Gone Away
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

10. Stoned Soul Picnic
10. Stoned Soul Picnic
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

11. Dancing Master
11. Dancing Master
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

12. You Blew Your Cool and Lost Your Fool
12. You Blew Your Cool and Lost Your Fool
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon

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