Jackie Hoffman

Top Songs

1. Thrill
1. Thrill
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust, Courtney Reed, Telly Leung, Jackie Hoffman & Lena Hall

2. Out of the Blue (Reprise)
2. Out of the Blue (Reprise)
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust, Telly Leung, Jackie Hoffman, Lena Hall & Courtney Reed

3. Open Your Eyes
3. Open Your Eyes
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust, Courtney Reed, Telly Leung, Jackie Hoffman & Lena Hall

4. Charades
4. Charades
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust, Telly Leung, Jackie Hoffman & Lena Hall

5. Out of the Blue
5. Out of the Blue
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust, Telly Leung, Jackie Hoffman & Lena Hall

6. Crave
6. Crave
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust & Jackie Hoffman

7. Greek God
7. Greek God
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust, Telly Leung, Jackie Hoffman & Lena Hall

8. Finale
8. Finale
Jack Feldstein, Paul Doust, Courtney Reed, Telly Leung, Jackie Hoffman & Lena Hall

9. What If
9. What If
Adam Riegler & Jackie Hoffman

10. A Little Soft Shoe
10. A Little Soft Shoe
Diane Phelan, Will Swenson, Raymond Bokhour & Jackie Hoffman

11. The Big Time
11. The Big Time
Debbie Gravitte, Santino Fontana, Jackie Hoffman & 'The Big Time' Company

12. Western Ways
12. Western Ways
Michael McCormick, Raymond Bokhour, Will Swenson & Jackie Hoffman

Top Albums