Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

Top Songs

2. Mississippi Mud
2. Mississippi Mud
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

3. East of the Rockies
3. East of the Rockies
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

4. Lonesome Polecat
4. Lonesome Polecat
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

5. Indiana
5. Indiana
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

6. Bob White
6. Bob White
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

7. My Cutey's Due at Two-To-Two Today
7. My Cutey's Due at Two-To-Two Today
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

8. If I Had My Druthers
8. If I Had My Druthers
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

10. Ace in the Hole
10. Ace in the Hole
Bobby Darin & Johnny Mercer

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Written By Johnny Mercer
Written By Johnny Mercer
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