Blackburn Cathedral Choir

Top Songs

1. 'Tis the Day of Resurrection
1. 'Tis the Day of Resurrection
Blackburn Cathedral Choir & David Anthony Cooper

2. Nunc dimittis in C Minor
2. Nunc dimittis in C Minor
Blackburn Cathedral Choir, David Goodenough & David Anthony Cooper

3. Summer Ended
3. Summer Ended
Blackburn Cathedral Choir, David Goodenough & David Anthony Cooper

4. In the Stillness
4. In the Stillness
Blackburn Cathedral Choir

6. The Jesse Tree
6. The Jesse Tree
Blackburn Cathedral Choir

7. Great Lord of Lords
7. Great Lord of Lords
Blackburn Cathedral Choir & David Anthony Cooper

9. My Lord Has Come
9. My Lord Has Come
Blackburn Cathedral Choir

10. Candlelight Carol
10. Candlelight Carol
Blackburn Cathedral Choir

11. God Omnipotent Reigneth
11. God Omnipotent Reigneth
Blackburn Cathedral Choir, David Goodenough & David Anthony Cooper

12. I Will Arise
12. I Will Arise
Blackburn Cathedral Choir, David Goodenough & David Anthony Cooper