Carolina Chocolate Drops

Top Songs

1. Cornbread and Butterbeans
1. Cornbread and Butterbeans
Carolina Chocolate Drops

2. West End Blues
2. West End Blues
Carolina Chocolate Drops

3. Trampled Rose
3. Trampled Rose
Carolina Chocolate Drops

4. Cornbread and Butterbeans
4. Cornbread and Butterbeans
Carolina Chocolate Drops

5. Georgie Buck [feat. Joe Thompson]
5. Georgie Buck [feat. Joe Thompson]
Carolina Chocolate Drops [feat. Joe Thompson]

6. Ruby, Are You Mad at Your Man?
6. Ruby, Are You Mad at Your Man?
Carolina Chocolate Drops

7. Country Girl
7. Country Girl
Carolina Chocolate Drops

9. Sandy Boys
9. Sandy Boys
Carolina Chocolate Drops

10. Run Mountain
10. Run Mountain
Carolina Chocolate Drops

11. Leaving Eden
11. Leaving Eden
Carolina Chocolate Drops

12. Kissin' and Cussin'
12. Kissin' and Cussin'
Carolina Chocolate Drops

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