Jimmy Rodgers


Songs America Sings
Songs America Sings
Album • 2023
The Number One Ballads
The Number One Ballads
Album • 2015
The Yodelling Ranger
The Yodelling Ranger
Album • 2009
Waiting For A Train
Waiting For A Train
Single • 1928

Top Songs

3. Waterboy
3. Waterboy
Jimmy Rodgers & The Limeliters

4. God Down Moses
4. God Down Moses
Jimmy Rodgers & The Limeliters

5. Liza
5. Liza
Jimmy Rodgers & The Limeliters

6. Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming
6. Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming
Jimmy Rodgers & The Limeliters

7. Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho
7. Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho
Jimmy Rodgers & The Limeliters

10. Honeycomb
10. Honeycomb
Jimmy Rodgers