Rachel Portman

New Release

Top Songs

1. We Had Today
1. We Had Today
Rachel Portman

5. Themes from "Chocolat"
5. Themes from "Chocolat"
Esther Abrami, Iyad Sughayer, Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra & Rachel Portman

6. Main Titles
6. Main Titles
Rachel Portman

7. Kathy and Tommy
7. Kathy and Tommy
Rachel Portman

8. Ithaca
8. Ithaca
Rachel Portman

9. Stringing the Bow
9. Stringing the Bow
Rachel Portman

10. Torches Returning
10. Torches Returning
Rachel Portman

11. Slaughter
11. Slaughter
Rachel Portman

12. Argo
12. Argo
Rachel Portman

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