Julius Brockington


The United Chair
The United Chair
Album • 2023
Sophisticated Funk
Sophisticated Funk
Album • 2023

Top Songs

1. This Feeling (Freedom), Pt. 1
1. This Feeling (Freedom), Pt. 1
Julius Brockington [feat. The Magic Force]

2. Do Your Thing
2. Do Your Thing
Julius Brockington

3. Forty-Nine Reasons
3. Forty-Nine Reasons
Julius Brockington

4. Balt./Wash. Exp.
4. Balt./Wash. Exp.
Julius Brockington

6. Jaded Jackie
6. Jaded Jackie
Julius Brockington

7. Gettin' Into It
7. Gettin' Into It
Julius Brockington

8. Lost Tribe
8. Lost Tribe
Julius Brockington

9. Love World
9. Love World
Julius Brockington

10. Let's Stay Together
10. Let's Stay Together
Julius Brockington

11. Since I Fell For You
11. Since I Fell For You
Julius Brockington

12. Got To Be There
12. Got To Be There
Julius Brockington

Top Albums

1. The United Chair
1. The United Chair
Album • 2023
2. Sophisticated Funk
2. Sophisticated Funk
Album • 2023