Dance Upon Nothing


the constant fight
the constant fight
Album • 2022

Top Songs

1. the tragedy
1. the tragedy
Dance Upon Nothing

2. fake plastic trees
2. fake plastic trees
Dance Upon Nothing

3. not that easy
3. not that easy
Dance Upon Nothing

4. us in the eighties
4. us in the eighties
Dance Upon Nothing

5. play this safe
5. play this safe
Dance Upon Nothing

6. are you worried
6. are you worried
Dance Upon Nothing

7. share of punches
7. share of punches
Dance Upon Nothing

8. i told you so
8. i told you so
Dance Upon Nothing

9. the constant fight
9. the constant fight
Dance Upon Nothing

10. Bizarre Love Triangle
10. Bizarre Love Triangle
Dance Upon Nothing

Top Albums

1. the constant fight
1. the constant fight
Album • 2022