

Top Songs

3. Heavy
3. Heavy
Urthboy [feat. Charbel ]

4. Deviate
4. Deviate
Urthboy [feat. Khi'leb & Clariyah Bo$$]

5. Toxic or Tender
5. Toxic or Tender
Urthboy [feat. Loren Ryan]

6. Your City
6. Your City
Urthboy [feat. Dallas Woods]

7. Super
7. Super
Urthboy [feat. Finbar Stuart]

8. Gather Around Me
8. Gather Around Me
Urthboy [feat. Jane Tyrrell]

10. Cheetah and Gazelle
10. Cheetah and Gazelle
Urthboy [feat. Jarulah]

11. Lose Sleep
11. Lose Sleep
Urthboy [feat. Ngaiire]

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