Junior Mance

Top Songs

1. The Umbrella Man
1. The Umbrella Man
Dizzy Gillespie, Lex Humphries & Junior Mance

2. 31st and State
2. 31st and State
Johnny Griffin, Wilbur Ware, Junior Mance, Wilbur Campbell & John Jenkins

3. Down The Line
3. Down The Line
Junior Mance

4. Cracklin'
4. Cracklin'
Junior Mance

6. Blue Monk
6. Blue Monk
Junior Mance

7. Gravy Waltz
7. Gravy Waltz
Junior Mance

8. In The Evening
8. In The Evening
Junior Mance

10. Yancey Special
10. Yancey Special
Junior Mance

12. Junior's Tune
12. Junior's Tune
Junior Mance