Broken Social Scene

Top Songs

1. Feel Good Lost
1. Feel Good Lost
Broken Social Scene

2. Water In Hell
2. Water In Hell
Broken Social Scene

3. The Sweet Sea
3. The Sweet Sea
Broken Social Scene

5. Love And Mathematics
5. Love And Mathematics
Broken Social Scene

6. Lover's Spit
6. Lover's Spit
Broken Social Scene

7. Texico Bitches
7. Texico Bitches
Broken Social Scene

8. 7/4 (Shoreline)
8. 7/4 (Shoreline)
Broken Social Scene

9. Backyards
9. Backyards
Broken Social Scene

10. It's All Gonna Break
10. It's All Gonna Break
Broken Social Scene

12. Da Da Da Da
12. Da Da Da Da
Broken Social Scene

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