Doug Katsaros

Top Songs

1. Lingoland
1. Lingoland
Doug Katsaros

2. Original Parkway (from 26 Bars)
2. Original Parkway (from 26 Bars)
Doug Katsaros & Steve Routman

3. It Was a Very Good Year
3. It Was a Very Good Year
Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Dee Snider]

4. That's Life
4. That's Life
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan, Doug Katsaros & Richie Kotzen [feat. Jani Lane]

5. Witchcraft
5. Witchcraft
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Tim "Ripper" Owens]

6. Strangers in the Night
6. Strangers in the Night
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Joey Belladonna]

7. Love and Marriage
7. Love and Marriage
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Elias Soriano]

8. Summerwind
8. Summerwind
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Geoff Tate]

9. New York, New York
9. New York, New York
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Devin Townsend]

10. Fly Me to the Moon
10. Fly Me to the Moon
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Robin Zander]

11. High Hopes
11. High Hopes
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Franky Perez]

12. I've Got the World on a String
12. I've Got the World on a String
Bob Kulick, Brett Chassen, Billy Sheehan & Doug Katsaros [feat. Dug Pinnick]