Geoffrey Parsons

Top Songs

2. I remember the enchanted moment
2. I remember the enchanted moment
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

3. Hidden love
3. Hidden love
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

4. Sigh, Russia, sigh
4. Sigh, Russia, sigh
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

5. The song of the young  Gypsy (BIS)
5. The song of the young Gypsy (BIS)
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

6. Legend
6. Legend
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

7. You sweet little maiden
7. You sweet little maiden
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

8. Where are you, little star?
8. Where are you, little star?
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

9. The garden by the Don
9. The garden by the Don
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

10. Vision (BIS)
10. Vision (BIS)
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

11. How fair this spot or Hill is beauty (BIS)
11. How fair this spot or Hill is beauty (BIS)
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons

12. Don Juan's serenade
12. Don Juan's serenade
Nicolai Gedda & Geoffrey Parsons