1234Rising from the Afterlife
5678910111213141516The Black Metal Ring (Edit)
17Rising from the Afterlife (Edit)
18Red Blood on My Hands (Edit)
19Unsolved Misteries (Edit)
20You Are My Nightmare (Edit)
212223The Werewolf Dance (Edit)
24Frankenstein’s Dog (Edit)
25Something in My House (Edit)
26Monster Blood (Alternative)
2728The Black Metal Ring (Alternative)
29Rising from the Afterlife (Alternative)
30Red Blood on My Hands (Alternative)
31Unsolved Misteries (Alternative)
32You Are My Nightmare (Alternative)
33Creepy Witch (Alternative)
34The Darkside (Alternative)
35The Werewolf Dance (Alternative)
36Frankenstein’s Dog (Alternative)
37Something in My House (Alternative)
38The Darkset Night of All (Alternative)
394041The Black Metal Ring (Reprise)
42Rising from the Afterlife (Reprise)
43Red Blood on My Hands (Reprise)
44Unsolved Misteries (Reprise)
45You Are My Nightmare (Reprise)
464748The Werewolf Dance (Reprise)
49Frankenstein’s Dog (Reprise)
50Something in My House (Reprise)
℗© 2023 Groovy Graves