12Marvin Gaye feat. The Vandellas
3Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
456789101112Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
1314151617181920Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
2122Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
2324Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
252627282930313233343536Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
373839Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
40414243Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
44454647484950Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
515253Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
5455Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
565758596061626364Martha Reeves, The Vandellas
65Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
666768Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
6970717273Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
747576777879808182838485Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
8687888990919293Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
949596979899100101Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
102Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
103104105106107108109Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
110111112113114115116117118119120121122123Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
124Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
125126127Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151Smokey Robinson, The Miracles
152153154Martha Reeves, The Vandellas
155156157158159160 ℗© Forrest Hill